The Armor Crewman works as part of a team to operate armored equipment and fire weapons to destroy enemy positions. During peacetime, tank and armor units must stay ready to defend our country anywhere in the world. During combat, their role is to operate tanks and amphibious assault vehicles to engage and destroy the enemy. Tanks like the M1A2 Abrams use mobility, firepower and shock effect to close with and extinguish enemy forces.
19DKO - Skill Level One

Driver: As a vehicle operator and/or crewmember aboard an M1A1 / M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank, HMMWV (Highly Mobile Multi Wheeled Vehicle), or Stryker. Assists in the detection, range and identification of enemy targets. Sketches range and terrain cards. Executes M1A1 bore sight procedures and zeros main gun. Load, fire, clear, and applies immediate action on the .50 Caliber and M240 Machine guns. Operates tracked and wheeled vehicles over diverse terrain and combat marches. Uses and responds to oral fire commands and visual signals. Places and secures the M1A1 in firing and or battle positions. Prepares, stows and fastens ammunition aboard the M1A1. Loads, unloads, clears, and performs misfire procedures on M1A1 main gun. Performs refueling operations on various tactical vehicles. Prepares the radio (SINCGAR) for communication function. Executes operator maintenance on M1A1 turret, crew served weapons, driver controls, and communications equipment. Assists in performing before, during and after maintenance of all M1A1 components whilst annotating deficiencies on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet), and maintains vehicle equipment folder. Assists in recovery operations. Prepares M1A1 tank for operations under various weather conditions and for night vision operations. Assists in the construction of fortification barriers and minefields. Assists in breaching and clearing minefields and obstacles.
Loader: As a vehicle operator and/or crewmember aboard an M1A1 / M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank, HMMWV (Highly Mobile Multi Wheeled Vehicle), or Stryker. Assists in the detection, range and identification of enemy targets. Sketches range and terrain cards. Executes M1A1 bore sight procedures and zeros main gun. Load, fire, clear, and applies immediate action on the .50 Caliber and M240 Machine guns. Operates tracked and wheeled vehicles over diverse terrain and combat marches. Uses and responds to oral fire commands and visual signals. Places and secures the M1A1 in firing and or battle positions. Prepares, stows and fastens ammunition aboard the M1A1. Loads, unloads, clears, and performs misfire procedures on M1A1 main gun. Performs refueling operations on various tactical vehicles. Prepares the radio (SINCGAR) for communication function. Executes operator maintenance on M1A1 turret, crew served weapons, driver controls, and communications equipment. Assists in performing before, during and after maintenance of all M1A1 components whilst annotating deficiencies on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet), and maintains vehicle equipment folder. Assists in recovery operations. Prepares M1A1 tank for operations under various weather conditions and for night vision operations. Assists in the construction of fortification barriers and minefields. Assists in breaching and clearing minefields and obstacles.
Loader: As a vehicle operator and/or crewmember aboard an M1A1 / M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank, HMMWV (Highly Mobile Multi Wheeled Vehicle), or Stryker. Assists in the detection, range and identification of enemy targets. Sketches range and terrain cards. Executes M1A1 bore sight procedures and zeros main gun. Load, fire, clear, and applies immediate action on the .50 Caliber and M240 Machine guns. Operates tracked and wheeled vehicles over diverse terrain and combat marches. Uses and responds to oral fire commands and visual signals. Places and secures the M1A1 in firing and or battle positions. Prepares, stows and fastens ammunition aboard the M1A1. Loads, unloads, clears, and performs misfire procedures on M1A1 main gun. Performs refueling operations on various tactical vehicles. Prepares the radio (SINCGAR) for communication function. Executes operator maintenance on M1A1 turret, crew served weapons, driver controls, and communications equipment. Assists in performing before, during and after maintenance of all M1A1 components whilst annotating deficiencies on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet), and maintains vehicle equipment folder. Assists in recovery operations. Prepares M1A1 tank for operations under various weather conditions and for night vision operations. Assists in the construction of fortification barriers and minefields. Assists in breaching and clearing minefields and obstacles.
19K2O - Skill Level Two

Gunner: Responsible for maintaining the 120MM main gun, .50 Caliber, M240, and M16A4/ M4/M9 individual weapon. Performs primary duties as an M1A1/ M1A2 gunner and secondary duties as M1A1 Tank Commander. In addition, performs duties shown in preceding level of skill and supervises subordinate personnel in performing those duties. Prepares M1A1 sketch and range cards. Supervises M1A1 bore sight procedures and zeros main gun. Load, fire, clear, and applies immediate action on the .50 Caliber and M240 Machine guns. Operates M1A1 main gun controls and firing controls. Calls for and adjusts fire. Fires main gun. Prepares SINCGAR radio equipment for operation and enters communication net. Operates internal communication equipment. Assists tank commander in training tank crew. Prepares and distributes operations maps, situation maps, and overlays. Reads and interprets maps and aerial photographs. Records information on maps and overlays. Indicates location, strength, tactical deployment, and emplacement of friendly and enemy units. Marks vehicle routes on maps and overlays. Reproduces and distributes operations orders and plans. Inspects M1A1 tank turret and automotive components for malfunctions. Assists and supervises in the performance of unit maintenance. Assists in maintaining the gunnery proficiency of subordinate gunners and loaders. Supervises ammunition resupply operations to include request, receipt, storage, inspection, and issue of ammunition within Armor units.
19K3O - Skill Level Three

Master Gunner: Battalion level Master Gunners are Noncommissioned Officers who are trained in advanced gunnery methodology, turret maintenance, and training management. These NCOs hold ASI of A8 and serve as the commander’s principal advisor on all issues dealing with gunnery on a M1A1/M1A2 Abrams Tank, Stryker (MGS) Mobile Gun System and related issues. He assist the commander and staff in planning , developing , conducting and monitoring the unit’s combat gunnery table program, including unit maintenance, to ensure proper readiness posture is maintained. Master Gunners are the special assistant to the commander and mentors combat crews on gunnery strengths and weaknesses.
Tank Commander: Performs duties as M1A1 tank commander. Directs deployment of personnel and tank in combat operations and training exercises. Evaluates terrain and selects routes, battle, and firing positions. Identifies and selects targets. Issues fire commands. Directs fire of M1A1 tank weapons. Supervises training of tank crew. Conducts battle drills. Requests, observes, and adjusts supporting fire. Responds to direction from Platoon Leader. Coordinates action of M1A1 tank with platoon and supporting elements. Plans movement routes. Supervises crew operator maintenance. Coordinates requirements for unit maintenance. Supervises camouflage of equipment. Evaluates work performance of subordinate crewmembers. Ensures collection and proper reporting of intelligence data to unit and responsible staff sections. Supervises operation of support platoon class III/V squads.
Tank Commander: Performs duties as M1A1 tank commander. Directs deployment of personnel and tank in combat operations and training exercises. Evaluates terrain and selects routes, battle, and firing positions. Identifies and selects targets. Issues fire commands. Directs fire of M1A1 tank weapons. Supervises training of tank crew. Conducts battle drills. Requests, observes, and adjusts supporting fire. Responds to direction from Platoon Leader. Coordinates action of M1A1 tank with platoon and supporting elements. Plans movement routes. Supervises crew operator maintenance. Coordinates requirements for unit maintenance. Supervises camouflage of equipment. Evaluates work performance of subordinate crewmembers. Ensures collection and proper reporting of intelligence data to unit and responsible staff sections. Supervises operation of support platoon class III/V squads.
19K4O - Skill Level Four

Master Gunner: Battalion level Master Gunners are Noncommissioned Officers who are trained in advanced gunnery methodology, turret maintenance, and training management. These NCOs hold ASI of A8 and serve as the commander’s principal advisor on all issues dealing with gunnery on a M1A1/M1A2 Abrams Tank, Stryker (MGS) Mobile Gun System and related issues. He assist the commander and staff in planning , developing , conducting and monitoring the unit’s combat gunnery table program, including unit maintenance, to ensure proper readiness posture is maintained. Master Gunners are the special assistant to the commander and mentors combat crews on gunnery strengths and weaknesses.
Platoon Sergeant: Performs duties as a M1A1 Tank PSG. Assists in planning, organization, direction, training, supervision, coordination, and reporting activities of tank platoon or staff section. Supervises platoon maintenance activities. Directs distribution of fire and assigns fields of fire. Collects, evaluates, and assists in interpretation and dissemination of combat information. Directs platoon tactical movement. Directs movement to contact, hasty attack, and defense at platoon level. Coordinates platoon resupply operations. Supervises the employment of OPSEC measures. Coordinates the evacuation of casualties. Responsible for training and directing platoon level operations including; tactical movement, individual and crew-served weapons qualification, vehicle maintenance, security operations (screening), route/area/ and zone reconnaissance. Collects, evaluates, and assists the Commander/ Operations officer in planning, organizing, directing, supervising, training, coordinating, and reporting activities of the Scout or Armored Cavalry platoon. Manages distribution and adjusts direct and aerial fires in combat. Employs OPSEC and CASEVAC measures. Coordinates and conducts platoon resupply. May also serve as an Assistant Operations NCO at battalion or higher level.
Platoon Sergeant: Performs duties as a M1A1 Tank PSG. Assists in planning, organization, direction, training, supervision, coordination, and reporting activities of tank platoon or staff section. Supervises platoon maintenance activities. Directs distribution of fire and assigns fields of fire. Collects, evaluates, and assists in interpretation and dissemination of combat information. Directs platoon tactical movement. Directs movement to contact, hasty attack, and defense at platoon level. Coordinates platoon resupply operations. Supervises the employment of OPSEC measures. Coordinates the evacuation of casualties. Responsible for training and directing platoon level operations including; tactical movement, individual and crew-served weapons qualification, vehicle maintenance, security operations (screening), route/area/ and zone reconnaissance. Collects, evaluates, and assists the Commander/ Operations officer in planning, organizing, directing, supervising, training, coordinating, and reporting activities of the Scout or Armored Cavalry platoon. Manages distribution and adjusts direct and aerial fires in combat. Employs OPSEC and CASEVAC measures. Coordinates and conducts platoon resupply. May also serve as an Assistant Operations NCO at battalion or higher level.
School Information

School: 804 School Location: FT KNOX, KY
FY: 2008 School: 804 Course: 020-19K10 (R) Phase: Course Length: 9 Weeks 0.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
There are no Verifiable Prerequisites.
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisite Courses.
Text Prerequisites
Active Army and Reserve Component enlisted personnel upon entry into MOS 19K. The soldier must meet the enlistment standards prescribed in DA Pam 611-21 for MOS 19K; must have completed U.S. Army Basic Training; be in the rank of PVT through SSG; no physical limitations and visual acuity correctable to 20/30 in each eye.
Course Scope:
Physical Fitness; NBC; engineer; communications; land navigation; weapons; M1A1 tank operation and maintenance.
Special Information:
There is no Special Information.

School: 804 School Location: FT KNOX, KY
FY: 2008 School: 804 Course: 020-19K10 (R) Phase: Course Length: 9 Weeks 0.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
There are no Verifiable Prerequisites.
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisite Courses.
Text Prerequisites
Active Army and Reserve Component enlisted personnel upon entry into MOS 19K. The soldier must meet the enlistment standards prescribed in DA Pam 611-21 for MOS 19K; must have completed U.S. Army Basic Training; be in the rank of PVT through SSG; no physical limitations and visual acuity correctable to 20/30 in each eye.
Course Scope:
Physical Fitness; NBC; engineer; communications; land navigation; weapons; M1A1 tank operation and maintenance.
Special Information:
There is no Special Information.