Construction Inspector: The Construction Inspector is engaged in various projects throughout the Battalion and Brigade. It includes: earthwork, reinforced and plain concrete; forms and forming; rockwork; how to take samples and make field tests; how to interpret drawings and specifications; and documentation of information pertinent to construction. The content covers the "inspector's job" including what to do and how to do it. It includes earthen structures, concrete, steel, rock, and geo-textiles.
Intelligence Sergeant: The Intelligence Sergeant is responsible for the intelligence, security, operations, and training necessary to support the battalion / brigade critical wartime mission. The Intelligence Sergeant plans and supervises the security of the battalion / brigade area. The Intelligence Sergeant is responsible for the production of intelligence, and counterintelligence and intelligence training and security. It is responsible for communications, communications security, and relaying, on request, local weather observations. This section also directs activities pertaining to organization, operations, training, and deployment readiness for subordinate units.
Platoon Sergeant: The Platoon Sergeant is the primary assistant and advisor to the platoon leader, with the responsibility of training and caring for soldiers. The platoon sergeant helps the commander to train the platoon leader and in that regard has an enormous effect on how that young officer perceives NCOs for the rest of his career. The platoon sergeant takes charge of the platoon in the absence of the platoon leader. As the lowest level senior NCO involved in the company METL, platoon sergeants teach collective and individual tasks to soldiers in their squads, crews or equivalent small units.
Squad Leader: Staff Sergeants, Sergeants and Corporals are normally squad, section and team leaders and are a critical link in the NCO channel. These NCOs live and work with their soldiers every day and are responsible for their health, welfare and safety. These squad, section and team leaders ensure that their soldiers meet standards in personal appearance and teach them to maintain and account for their individual and unit equipment and property. The NCO enforces standards and develops and trains soldiers daily in MOS skills and unit missions. The NCO teaches individual and collective training, develops unit cohesion, fosters the values of loyalty and commitment and builds spirit and confidence. The NCO evaluates performance oriented training and through coaching and counseling grooms young soldiers for future positions of increased responsibility. Squad, section and team leaders teach everything from the making of sound and timely decisions to physical training to ethics and values. You, corporals and sergeants, are the basic trainer of today’s soldiers.