Military Police are responsible for providing support to the battlefield by conducting Area Security, Internment / Resettlement, Maneuver and Mobility Support, Law and Order, and Police Intelligence Operations.
31B1O - Skill Level One

Military Police: This soldier performs as a member of an MP team in support of battlefield operations, installation law and order operations and security of Army resources and installations.
31B2O - Skill Level Two

Customs Inspector: This NCO is responsible for the inspection of personnel, luggage, vehicles and documents leaving various theaters of military operations; enforces military and host nation customs regulations and directives; protects civilian economy, artifacts, and tariff enforcement; apprehension of criminals, absentees, and persons of intelligence interests; coordinates with host nation police, counterintelligence units, and civil affairs units.
Personal Security Detachment (PSD) NCO: This NCO performs duties as the protective services team leader for a personal security detail. Leads a 3-5 person personal protection detail performing personal security for high ranking civilian and military personnel; this extremely visible and sensitive position requires the highest caliber NCO who is responsible for security planning, site reconnaissance, coordination with private and coalition security officers.
Team Leader: Is the principle NCO for the health, welfare and career progression of a Military Police three person team. Responsible for the overall leadership and development of a three person team. Supervises the preparation for no-notice worldwide contingency operations and daily Force protection/ Law Enforcement missions; provides for the health and welfare of soldiers and their families.
Traffic Management and Collision (TMC) NCO: This NCO performs duties as a team leader in a specialized section under the Provost Marshal office requiring additional training and expertise and is responsible for the leadership and employment of three or more soldiers. Supervises in the enforcement of traffic management and traffic regulation and enforcement; develops recommendations to traffic flow patterns to reduce traffic accidents and reduce traffic congestion.
Training NCO: This NCO is responsible for the training program of a Company, Battalion, or Brigade consisting of the staff, faculty, and support personnel; prepares training schedules and reports; reviews training records; prepares the physical training schedules; maintains training records; schedules and coordinates the APFT; monitors the weight control packets; computes profiles; recommends courses; request allocations for the schools and schedules personnel for attendance; maintains the training data base.
Personal Security Detachment (PSD) NCO: This NCO performs duties as the protective services team leader for a personal security detail. Leads a 3-5 person personal protection detail performing personal security for high ranking civilian and military personnel; this extremely visible and sensitive position requires the highest caliber NCO who is responsible for security planning, site reconnaissance, coordination with private and coalition security officers.
Team Leader: Is the principle NCO for the health, welfare and career progression of a Military Police three person team. Responsible for the overall leadership and development of a three person team. Supervises the preparation for no-notice worldwide contingency operations and daily Force protection/ Law Enforcement missions; provides for the health and welfare of soldiers and their families.
Traffic Management and Collision (TMC) NCO: This NCO performs duties as a team leader in a specialized section under the Provost Marshal office requiring additional training and expertise and is responsible for the leadership and employment of three or more soldiers. Supervises in the enforcement of traffic management and traffic regulation and enforcement; develops recommendations to traffic flow patterns to reduce traffic accidents and reduce traffic congestion.
Training NCO: This NCO is responsible for the training program of a Company, Battalion, or Brigade consisting of the staff, faculty, and support personnel; prepares training schedules and reports; reviews training records; prepares the physical training schedules; maintains training records; schedules and coordinates the APFT; monitors the weight control packets; computes profiles; recommends courses; request allocations for the schools and schedules personnel for attendance; maintains the training data base.
31B3O - Skill Level Three

AS/FP NCO: This NCO specializes in the planning and interpretation of physical security measures within military communities and installations. Recommends appropriate physical security plans, conducts physical security surveys, inspects, risk analysis and develops community crime prevention programs. MOS specific ASIs include; H3 Conventional Physical Security Course.
Customs Inspector: This NCO supervises operations of a customs clearance, contraband inspection and counter black market enforcement operations; responsible for the customs and contraband inspection section of a Provost Marshal Office requiring additional training and expertise and is also responsible for the leadership and employment of 10 or more Soldiers.
Desk Sergeant: This NCO is responsible for the supervision of all MP desk operations and a 13 Soldier shift; receives complaints; maintains the MP Blotter and Daily Journal; monitors communication with and directs patrol activities; responsible for all military police equipment; ensures Army and local policies are enforced in a military community of military and civilian personnel; performs guardmount briefings and maintains a professional working relationship with local civilian law enforcement agencies.
Instructor/ Writer: This NCO instructs and evaluates military police soldiers at all skill levels. Develops and maintains lesson plans, examinations, practical exercises and training aides. Reviews doctrinal publications and training material; updates Programs of Instruction (POI) based on doctrinal changes and recent Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP). Provides input to Military Police doctrinal manuals and Army regulation updates.
MMS NCO: This NCO conducts the movement control, planning, routing, scheduling, controlling and coordination of all maneuver units in the area of operations. The MMS NCO conducts synchronization and integration of logistics assets with other movement control teams in a full spectrum of military operations; plans and coordinates statistical data and reports for the unit.
MPI Supervisor: This NCO supervises a specialized section under the Provost Marshal office requiring additional training and expertise. Is responsible for case management, evidence collection and categorization and is responsible for the leadership and employment of 5-10 investigators in the section.
Squad leader: This NCO serves as a Squad Leader for a Military Police Company or Detachment, responsible for the training, discipline, counseling, and welfare of nine to thirteen Soldiers and their family members while performing the unit’s tactical and garrison law enforcement mission; responsible for the maintenance and accountability of three HMMWVs with radio system, seventeen individual weapons, three M249 SAWs, three MK19s, three M203s, and other MTOE equipment.
Traffic Management and Collision (TMC) NCO: This NCO performs duties as a team leader in a specialized section under the Provost Marshal office requiring additional training and expertise and is responsible for the leadership and employment of three or more soldiers. Supervises in the enforcement of traffic management and traffic regulation and enforcement; develops recommendations to traffic flow patterns to reduce traffic accidents and reduce traffic congestion.
Training NCO: This NCO is responsible for the training program of a Company, Battalion, or Brigade consisting of the staff, faculty, and support personnel; prepares training schedules and reports; reviews training records; prepares the physical training schedules; maintains training records; schedules and coordinates the APFT; monitors the weight control packets; computes profiles; recommends courses; request allocations for the schools and schedules personnel for attendance; maintains the training data base.
Customs Inspector: This NCO supervises operations of a customs clearance, contraband inspection and counter black market enforcement operations; responsible for the customs and contraband inspection section of a Provost Marshal Office requiring additional training and expertise and is also responsible for the leadership and employment of 10 or more Soldiers.
Desk Sergeant: This NCO is responsible for the supervision of all MP desk operations and a 13 Soldier shift; receives complaints; maintains the MP Blotter and Daily Journal; monitors communication with and directs patrol activities; responsible for all military police equipment; ensures Army and local policies are enforced in a military community of military and civilian personnel; performs guardmount briefings and maintains a professional working relationship with local civilian law enforcement agencies.
Instructor/ Writer: This NCO instructs and evaluates military police soldiers at all skill levels. Develops and maintains lesson plans, examinations, practical exercises and training aides. Reviews doctrinal publications and training material; updates Programs of Instruction (POI) based on doctrinal changes and recent Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP). Provides input to Military Police doctrinal manuals and Army regulation updates.
MMS NCO: This NCO conducts the movement control, planning, routing, scheduling, controlling and coordination of all maneuver units in the area of operations. The MMS NCO conducts synchronization and integration of logistics assets with other movement control teams in a full spectrum of military operations; plans and coordinates statistical data and reports for the unit.
MPI Supervisor: This NCO supervises a specialized section under the Provost Marshal office requiring additional training and expertise. Is responsible for case management, evidence collection and categorization and is responsible for the leadership and employment of 5-10 investigators in the section.
Squad leader: This NCO serves as a Squad Leader for a Military Police Company or Detachment, responsible for the training, discipline, counseling, and welfare of nine to thirteen Soldiers and their family members while performing the unit’s tactical and garrison law enforcement mission; responsible for the maintenance and accountability of three HMMWVs with radio system, seventeen individual weapons, three M249 SAWs, three MK19s, three M203s, and other MTOE equipment.
Traffic Management and Collision (TMC) NCO: This NCO performs duties as a team leader in a specialized section under the Provost Marshal office requiring additional training and expertise and is responsible for the leadership and employment of three or more soldiers. Supervises in the enforcement of traffic management and traffic regulation and enforcement; develops recommendations to traffic flow patterns to reduce traffic accidents and reduce traffic congestion.
Training NCO: This NCO is responsible for the training program of a Company, Battalion, or Brigade consisting of the staff, faculty, and support personnel; prepares training schedules and reports; reviews training records; prepares the physical training schedules; maintains training records; schedules and coordinates the APFT; monitors the weight control packets; computes profiles; recommends courses; request allocations for the schools and schedules personnel for attendance; maintains the training data base.
31B4O - Skill Level Four

Antiterrorism NCO: This NCO specializes in the planning and interpretation of antiterrorism measures within military communities and installations. Recommends appropriate antiterrorism plans, conducts surveys, inspects, risk analysis and develops antiterrorism programs. MOS specific ASIs include; H3 Conventional Physical Security Course.
AS/FP NCO: This NCO supervises a three to five person Force Protection/ Physical Security section that specializes in the planning and interpretation of physical security measures within military communities and installations. Recommends appropriate physical security plans, conducts physical security surveys, inspects, risk analysis and develops community crime prevention programs. MOS specific ASIs include; H3 Conventional Physical Security Course.
Customs Inspector: This NCO is a section leader in a specialized section under the Provost Marshal Office requiring additional training and expertise and is also responsible for the leadership and employment of 10 or more Soldiers.
Instructor/ Writer: This NCO instructs and evaluates military police soldiers at all skill levels. Develops and maintains lesson plans, examinations, practical exercises and training aides. Reviews doctrinal publications and training material and supervises up to 10 personnel. MOS Specific ASI includes ASI 8.
Kennel Master: This NCO is in charge of the installation’s Military Working Dog (MWD) program consisting of varied capabilities. Responsible for all training, medical, annual certifications and world wide deployments of the command’s MWD assets. Serves as the commander’s advisor for the employment of MWDs.
MMS NCO: This NCO conducts the movement control, planning, routing, scheduling, controlling and coordination of all maneuver units in the area of operations. The MMS NCO conducts synchronization and integration of logistics assets with other movement control teams in a full spectrum of military operations; plans and coordinates statistical data and reports for the unit.
Platoon Sergeant: This NCO leads a 33-42 person Military Police platoon, large detachments and sections. Supervises and performs duties as Provost Sergeant and military police operations NCO. Prepares battlefield circulation control or traffic control plans and operations orders in support of both battlefield and installation law and order operations and security of resources and installations.
Protective Services Detail (PSD) NCO: This NCO performs duties as the protective services platoon sergeant for a personal security detail. Leads a 15-43 person personal protection detail performing personal security for high ranking personnel and military personnel; this extremely visible and sensitive position requires the highest caliber NCO who is responsible for security planning, site reconnaissance, coordination with private and coalition security officers.
Traffic Management and Collision (TMC) NCO: This NCO performs supervisory duties as a section leader in a specialized section under the Provost Marshal office requiring additional training and expertise and is responsible for the leadership and employment of five or more soldiers. MOS Specific ASI: Q9 Traffic Management and Collision Investigator Course.
AS/FP NCO: This NCO supervises a three to five person Force Protection/ Physical Security section that specializes in the planning and interpretation of physical security measures within military communities and installations. Recommends appropriate physical security plans, conducts physical security surveys, inspects, risk analysis and develops community crime prevention programs. MOS specific ASIs include; H3 Conventional Physical Security Course.
Customs Inspector: This NCO is a section leader in a specialized section under the Provost Marshal Office requiring additional training and expertise and is also responsible for the leadership and employment of 10 or more Soldiers.
Instructor/ Writer: This NCO instructs and evaluates military police soldiers at all skill levels. Develops and maintains lesson plans, examinations, practical exercises and training aides. Reviews doctrinal publications and training material and supervises up to 10 personnel. MOS Specific ASI includes ASI 8.
Kennel Master: This NCO is in charge of the installation’s Military Working Dog (MWD) program consisting of varied capabilities. Responsible for all training, medical, annual certifications and world wide deployments of the command’s MWD assets. Serves as the commander’s advisor for the employment of MWDs.
MMS NCO: This NCO conducts the movement control, planning, routing, scheduling, controlling and coordination of all maneuver units in the area of operations. The MMS NCO conducts synchronization and integration of logistics assets with other movement control teams in a full spectrum of military operations; plans and coordinates statistical data and reports for the unit.
Platoon Sergeant: This NCO leads a 33-42 person Military Police platoon, large detachments and sections. Supervises and performs duties as Provost Sergeant and military police operations NCO. Prepares battlefield circulation control or traffic control plans and operations orders in support of both battlefield and installation law and order operations and security of resources and installations.
Protective Services Detail (PSD) NCO: This NCO performs duties as the protective services platoon sergeant for a personal security detail. Leads a 15-43 person personal protection detail performing personal security for high ranking personnel and military personnel; this extremely visible and sensitive position requires the highest caliber NCO who is responsible for security planning, site reconnaissance, coordination with private and coalition security officers.
Traffic Management and Collision (TMC) NCO: This NCO performs supervisory duties as a section leader in a specialized section under the Provost Marshal office requiring additional training and expertise and is responsible for the leadership and employment of five or more soldiers. MOS Specific ASI: Q9 Traffic Management and Collision Investigator Course.
31B5O - Skill Level Five

First Sergeant: This NCO performs duties as 1SG for a combat support MP company. Is the principle NCO for the health, welfare and career progression of a 130 to 185 personnel company. Is the senior enlisted advisor for the company commander for all current and future operational issues. Responsible for the overall Soldier/ leader development of all Noncommissioned officers and soldiers; monitors and makes recommendations on all enlisted personnel actions; provides counsel to the commander on all enlisted matters.
Course Chief: This NCO is hand-selected by the Regimental Command Sergeant Major (RCSM) and course manager and is responsible for the training, counseling, mentoring and evaluating of approximately 16 ANCOC students during a 8 week leadership intensive course. Maintains accountability and oversees maintenance of equipment and billets; provides expertise on the revision/update of programs of instruction and lesson plans.
Operations NCO: This NCO is the principle NCO in an operations section of an MP Combat Support Company, MP Battalion or Brigade, a Division of Corps MP Cell, or Operations section of a PMO or Military community with 200 or more soldiers. Coordinates plans and manages operations, training and taskings to provide maneuver mobility support, area security, law and order, police intelligence and internment resettlement capabilities.
Provost Sergeant: This NCO performs duties as the senior enlisted advisor to the Provost Marshal on law enforcement and security matters for an installation. Responcible for the assignment, training, employment and management of an installation provost marshall section providing daily law enforcement and security duties; develops and implements law enforcement policies and procedures; provides advice and assistance to the community leaders on all aspects of law enforcement.
Reserve Component Advisor: Principle NCO who assists the reserve component with training observation, instructor certification, TASS accreditation and the implementation of courseware. This NCO serves as a primary link between the RC battalion commander, regional coordinating element and the U.S. Army Military Police School. Coordinates, plans, and manages operations and training for mobility support, area security, law and order, police intelligence operations and internment resettlement capabilities.
S-2 Intelligence NCO: This NCO is the principle intelligence NCO in an S-2 section of an MP Battalion or Brigade, a Division of Corps MP Cell, or Operations section of a PMO or Military community with 200 or more soldiers. Plans and develops the intelligence and other products, advising the commander and staff on the current and future threats. Provides the current Security Clearance Access Roster (SCAR) for the commander and is the commander’s advisor on all security matters.
Senior Instructor/ Writer: This NCO supervises and evaluates instructor/ writers working within their section. Supervises the development and maintenance of lesson plans, examinations, practical exercises and training aides. Reviews doctrinal publications and training material and supervises up to 45 personnel.
AS/FP NCO: This NCO supervises the movement control, planning, routing, scheduling, controlling and coordination of all maneuver units in the area of operations. The AS/FP NCO conducts synchronization and integration of logistics assets with other movement control teams in a full spectrum of military operations; plans and coordinates statistical data and reports for the unit. This senior NCO supervises a 3-10 personnel section.
Senior Instructor/ Writer: This NCO supervises and evaluates instructor/ writers working within their section. Supervises the development and maintenance of lesson plans, examinations, practical exercises and training aides. Reviews doctrinal publications and training material and supervises up to 45 personnel.
School: 191 Location: 401 MANSCEN LOOP, FT LEONARD WOOD, MO
Course: 31B10-OSUT Phase:
Course: 31B10-OSUT Phase: Course Length: 19 Weeks 1.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
Must have a valid drivers license YES Required
Must be a U.S. Citizen YES Required
Course Security Clearance F - SECRET Required
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisites in the Prerequisite Courses section. See other sections.
Text Prerequisites
a. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. (Qualifications in subparagraphs (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (13) and (14) below are required for retention of MOS). Military police must possess the following qualifications:
(1) A physical demands rating of moderately heavy.
(2) A physical profile of 222221.
(3) Red/green color discrimination.
(4) Qualifying scores.
(a) A minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to 2 January 2002.
(b) A minimum score of 92 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB tests administered on and after 2 January 2002 and prior to 1 July 2004.
(c) A minimum score of 91 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB tests administered on and after 1 Jul 2004.
(5) A security eligibility of SECRET is required for the initial award and to maintain the MOS.
(a) Requirements for a SECRET eligibility is effective 01 August 2010 for all new accessions and reclassifications into MOS 31B.
(b) Requirement for a SECRET eligibility is effective 01 August 2013 for all Soldiers maintaining MOS 31B who entered service prior to 01 August 2010.
(6) The Soldier must be a U.S. citizen.
(a) Requirement to be a U.S. citizen is effective 01 August 2010 for all new accessions into MOS 31B.
(b) Requirement to be a U.S. citizen is effective 01 August 2013 for all Soldiers holding MOS 31B who entered service prior to 01 August 2010.
(7) Meets all requirements for Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) qualifications.
(8) Must possess a valid state motor vehicle operator license.
(9) No objection to performing security duties in the vicinity of nuclear or chemical munitions stored or staged for military use.
(10) No record of more than 15 days lost under section 972-10-USC.
(11) No information in Provost Marshal Office, Intelligence Office, Military Personnel Record Jacket (MPRJ) or medical records which would prevent the granting of a security clearance under AR 380-67.
(12) No record of pre-trial intervention or conviction by military or civil court of the following:
(a) Any offense involving force or violence.
(b) Any offense listed under AR 601-210, para 4-22 (misdemeanor), or similar offense not listed for which the maximum possible sentence exceeds 4 months of confinement.
(c) Two or more offenses within 5 years prior to the date of enlistment listed under AR 601-210, para 4-21 (minor non-traffic), or similar offense not listed for which the maximum possible sentence is less than 4 months confinement.
(d) Three or more minor traffic offenses as listed under AR 601-210, para 4-20 (minor traffic) during the 12 months period prior to entry on active duty (does not include traffic violations considered misdemeanor or felony by virtue of fine amount per AR 601-210.
(e) No pattern of behavior or actions that is reasonably indicative of a contemptuous attitude toward the law or other duly constituted authority.
(13) Minimum age of 18 at time of entrance on active duty.
(14) NPS applicants enlisting, into the ARNG or USAR for MOS 31B, may enlist at 17 years of age with the Split Training Option (STO) if otherwise qualified. All STO enlistees must have reached their 18th birthday prior to attending Advanced Individual Training (AIT).
(15) No record of possession or use of any narcotic or non-narcotic drug as defined by Article 134, UCMJ and AR 600-50. (Personnel entering active duty may be granted waiver at Military Entrance Processing Station by the AHRC Security Interviewer DoD policy on cannabis use.)
(16) No record of conviction by special or general courts-martial or civilian courts of offenses listed in AR 27-10 (Military Justice), chapter 24 or otherwise required to register as a sexual offender under AR 27-10, chapter 24.
(17) Formal training (completion of MOS 31B course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Military Police School) mandatory.
(18) All Soldiers must possess a valid United States drivers license which will not expire prior to the completion of MOS training.
Course Scope:
The first three phases provides a logical progression of transitioning civilians into soldiers by the presentation of individual skills and tasks selected to develop a well disciplined, motivated soldier proficient in common and military police entry-level tasks. This course develops self-discipline, motivation, physical readiness, and proficiency in basic combat survivability, combat techniques, individual and crew served weapons. The focus for character and Army Leadership development is based on the Army values. Phases four and five consist of common military and MOS specific technical and tactical training necessary to be successful in the 31-career management field operating in the contemporary operating environment (COE) of the United States Army.
Special Information:
Due to the fact that the prerequisites are too lengthy to list in this field, refer to DA PAM 611-21 10-297.31B -- Military Police, CMF 31.
Course Chief: This NCO is hand-selected by the Regimental Command Sergeant Major (RCSM) and course manager and is responsible for the training, counseling, mentoring and evaluating of approximately 16 ANCOC students during a 8 week leadership intensive course. Maintains accountability and oversees maintenance of equipment and billets; provides expertise on the revision/update of programs of instruction and lesson plans.
Operations NCO: This NCO is the principle NCO in an operations section of an MP Combat Support Company, MP Battalion or Brigade, a Division of Corps MP Cell, or Operations section of a PMO or Military community with 200 or more soldiers. Coordinates plans and manages operations, training and taskings to provide maneuver mobility support, area security, law and order, police intelligence and internment resettlement capabilities.
Provost Sergeant: This NCO performs duties as the senior enlisted advisor to the Provost Marshal on law enforcement and security matters for an installation. Responcible for the assignment, training, employment and management of an installation provost marshall section providing daily law enforcement and security duties; develops and implements law enforcement policies and procedures; provides advice and assistance to the community leaders on all aspects of law enforcement.
Reserve Component Advisor: Principle NCO who assists the reserve component with training observation, instructor certification, TASS accreditation and the implementation of courseware. This NCO serves as a primary link between the RC battalion commander, regional coordinating element and the U.S. Army Military Police School. Coordinates, plans, and manages operations and training for mobility support, area security, law and order, police intelligence operations and internment resettlement capabilities.
S-2 Intelligence NCO: This NCO is the principle intelligence NCO in an S-2 section of an MP Battalion or Brigade, a Division of Corps MP Cell, or Operations section of a PMO or Military community with 200 or more soldiers. Plans and develops the intelligence and other products, advising the commander and staff on the current and future threats. Provides the current Security Clearance Access Roster (SCAR) for the commander and is the commander’s advisor on all security matters.
Senior Instructor/ Writer: This NCO supervises and evaluates instructor/ writers working within their section. Supervises the development and maintenance of lesson plans, examinations, practical exercises and training aides. Reviews doctrinal publications and training material and supervises up to 45 personnel.
AS/FP NCO: This NCO supervises the movement control, planning, routing, scheduling, controlling and coordination of all maneuver units in the area of operations. The AS/FP NCO conducts synchronization and integration of logistics assets with other movement control teams in a full spectrum of military operations; plans and coordinates statistical data and reports for the unit. This senior NCO supervises a 3-10 personnel section.
Senior Instructor/ Writer: This NCO supervises and evaluates instructor/ writers working within their section. Supervises the development and maintenance of lesson plans, examinations, practical exercises and training aides. Reviews doctrinal publications and training material and supervises up to 45 personnel.
School Information
School: 191 Location: 401 MANSCEN LOOP, FT LEONARD WOOD, MO
Course: 31B10-OSUT Phase:
Course: 31B10-OSUT Phase: Course Length: 19 Weeks 1.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
Must have a valid drivers license YES Required
Must be a U.S. Citizen YES Required
Course Security Clearance F - SECRET Required
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisites in the Prerequisite Courses section. See other sections.
Text Prerequisites
a. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. (Qualifications in subparagraphs (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (13) and (14) below are required for retention of MOS). Military police must possess the following qualifications:
(1) A physical demands rating of moderately heavy.
(2) A physical profile of 222221.
(3) Red/green color discrimination.
(4) Qualifying scores.
(a) A minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to 2 January 2002.
(b) A minimum score of 92 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB tests administered on and after 2 January 2002 and prior to 1 July 2004.
(c) A minimum score of 91 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB tests administered on and after 1 Jul 2004.
(5) A security eligibility of SECRET is required for the initial award and to maintain the MOS.
(a) Requirements for a SECRET eligibility is effective 01 August 2010 for all new accessions and reclassifications into MOS 31B.
(b) Requirement for a SECRET eligibility is effective 01 August 2013 for all Soldiers maintaining MOS 31B who entered service prior to 01 August 2010.
(6) The Soldier must be a U.S. citizen.
(a) Requirement to be a U.S. citizen is effective 01 August 2010 for all new accessions into MOS 31B.
(b) Requirement to be a U.S. citizen is effective 01 August 2013 for all Soldiers holding MOS 31B who entered service prior to 01 August 2010.
(7) Meets all requirements for Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) qualifications.
(8) Must possess a valid state motor vehicle operator license.
(9) No objection to performing security duties in the vicinity of nuclear or chemical munitions stored or staged for military use.
(10) No record of more than 15 days lost under section 972-10-USC.
(11) No information in Provost Marshal Office, Intelligence Office, Military Personnel Record Jacket (MPRJ) or medical records which would prevent the granting of a security clearance under AR 380-67.
(12) No record of pre-trial intervention or conviction by military or civil court of the following:
(a) Any offense involving force or violence.
(b) Any offense listed under AR 601-210, para 4-22 (misdemeanor), or similar offense not listed for which the maximum possible sentence exceeds 4 months of confinement.
(c) Two or more offenses within 5 years prior to the date of enlistment listed under AR 601-210, para 4-21 (minor non-traffic), or similar offense not listed for which the maximum possible sentence is less than 4 months confinement.
(d) Three or more minor traffic offenses as listed under AR 601-210, para 4-20 (minor traffic) during the 12 months period prior to entry on active duty (does not include traffic violations considered misdemeanor or felony by virtue of fine amount per AR 601-210.
(e) No pattern of behavior or actions that is reasonably indicative of a contemptuous attitude toward the law or other duly constituted authority.
(13) Minimum age of 18 at time of entrance on active duty.
(14) NPS applicants enlisting, into the ARNG or USAR for MOS 31B, may enlist at 17 years of age with the Split Training Option (STO) if otherwise qualified. All STO enlistees must have reached their 18th birthday prior to attending Advanced Individual Training (AIT).
(15) No record of possession or use of any narcotic or non-narcotic drug as defined by Article 134, UCMJ and AR 600-50. (Personnel entering active duty may be granted waiver at Military Entrance Processing Station by the AHRC Security Interviewer DoD policy on cannabis use.)
(16) No record of conviction by special or general courts-martial or civilian courts of offenses listed in AR 27-10 (Military Justice), chapter 24 or otherwise required to register as a sexual offender under AR 27-10, chapter 24.
(17) Formal training (completion of MOS 31B course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Military Police School) mandatory.
(18) All Soldiers must possess a valid United States drivers license which will not expire prior to the completion of MOS training.
Course Scope:
The first three phases provides a logical progression of transitioning civilians into soldiers by the presentation of individual skills and tasks selected to develop a well disciplined, motivated soldier proficient in common and military police entry-level tasks. This course develops self-discipline, motivation, physical readiness, and proficiency in basic combat survivability, combat techniques, individual and crew served weapons. The focus for character and Army Leadership development is based on the Army values. Phases four and five consist of common military and MOS specific technical and tactical training necessary to be successful in the 31-career management field operating in the contemporary operating environment (COE) of the United States Army.
Special Information:
Due to the fact that the prerequisites are too lengthy to list in this field, refer to DA PAM 611-21 10-297.31B -- Military Police, CMF 31.
Course: 31B10-OSUT | Phase: | Course Length: 19 Weeks 1.0 Days |