Internment / Resettlement (I/R) Specialists in the Army are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention / internment facility. I/R Specialists provide rehabilitative, health, welfare, and security to U.S. military prisoners within a confinement or correctional facility; conduct inspections; prepare written reports; and coordinate activities of prisoners/internees and staff personnel.
31E1O - Skill Level One

I/R Specialist: Assists with the providing custody and control of US Military Prisoners / Detainees, and provides external security to I/R facilities and the United States Disciplinary Barracks. Soldiers should focus on building a strong base of technical expertise in equipment accountability, basic MOS skills and common Soldier tasks. This can be acquired in assignments serving as tier/compound guard, tower guard, prisoner/detainee escort, control clerk, dining facility guard, recreation guard, etc.
31E2O - Skill Level Two

Team Leader: Performs duties for a three member guard force directly responsible for the leadership, discipline, welfare, morale, training, safety and professional development of all assigned Soldiers.
Internment / Resettlement NCO: Principle NCO who is responsible for supervising security personnel, custody and control and accountability of US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Ensures daily the proper adherence to rules and regulations. Gathers information on potentially dangerous opportunities, takes necessary action, to include handling hostile or suicidal threats. Observes behavior and interprets it with precision. Supervises 2-5 subordinates plus approximately 20-170 US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Duties of an I/R NCO may include, but not limited to the following: tier/compound guard, tower guard, prisoner/detainee escort, control clerk, dining facility guard, recreation guard.
Internment / Resettlement NCO: Principle NCO who is responsible for supervising security personnel, custody and control and accountability of US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Ensures daily the proper adherence to rules and regulations. Gathers information on potentially dangerous opportunities, takes necessary action, to include handling hostile or suicidal threats. Observes behavior and interprets it with precision. Supervises 2-5 subordinates plus approximately 20-170 US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Duties of an I/R NCO may include, but not limited to the following: tier/compound guard, tower guard, prisoner/detainee escort, control clerk, dining facility guard, recreation guard.
31E3O - Skill Level Three

Squad Leader: Performs duties for a 8-12 member squad directly responsible for the leadership, discipline, welfare, morale, training, safety and professional development of all assigned Soldiers.
Internment / Resettlement Supervisor: Principle NCO who is responsible for supervising security personnel, custody and control and accountability of US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Ensures daily the proper adherence to rules and regulations. Gathers information on potentially dangerous opportunities, takes necessary action, to include handling hostile or suicidal threats. Observes behavior and interprets it with precision. Supervises 6-15 subordinates plus approximately 200-600 US Military Prisoners / Detainees.
Internment / Resettlement NCO: Principle NCO who is responsible for supervising security personnel, custody and control and accountability of US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Ensures daily the proper adherence to rules and regulations. Gathers information on potentially dangerous opportunities, takes necessary action, to include handling hostile or suicidal threats. Observes behavior and interprets it with precision. Supervises 2-5 subordinates plus approximately 20-170 US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Duties of an I/R NCO may include, but not limited to the following: tier/compound guard, tower guard, prisoner/detainee escort, control clerk, dining facility guard, recreation guard.
Internment / Resettlement Supervisor: Principle NCO who is responsible for supervising security personnel, custody and control and accountability of US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Ensures daily the proper adherence to rules and regulations. Gathers information on potentially dangerous opportunities, takes necessary action, to include handling hostile or suicidal threats. Observes behavior and interprets it with precision. Supervises 6-15 subordinates plus approximately 200-600 US Military Prisoners / Detainees.
Internment / Resettlement NCO: Principle NCO who is responsible for supervising security personnel, custody and control and accountability of US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Ensures daily the proper adherence to rules and regulations. Gathers information on potentially dangerous opportunities, takes necessary action, to include handling hostile or suicidal threats. Observes behavior and interprets it with precision. Supervises 2-5 subordinates plus approximately 20-170 US Military Prisoners / Detainees. Duties of an I/R NCO may include, but not limited to the following: tier/compound guard, tower guard, prisoner/detainee escort, control clerk, dining facility guard, recreation guard.
31E4O - Skill Level Four

31E50 - Skill Level Five

School Information

Platoon Sergeant: Responsible for training, professional development, health, morale, welfare, and discipline of all assigned Soldiers. Platoon Sergeant is the primary leader and trainer in the platoon. As a senior noncommissioned officer in the I/R environment, the Platoon Sergeant’s leadership skills, institutional knowledge, and hands-on experience in handling US Military Prisoners / Detainees are essential in the development of junior leaders.
31E50 - Skill Level Five

First Sergeant: Principle NCO of a TO&E I&R MP Company with two line platoons, a prisoner operations and HQ platoons; trains and maintains mission readiness of 124 Soldiers capable of supporting the custody and control of 500 maximum-security inmates in the USDB, the only maximum-security prison in the DoD, and deploying and conducting I&R operations in support of combat and contingency operations; ensures a command climate that supports Soldiers and their families while fostering individual and unit excellence and success.
Operations NCO: This NCO is responsible for personnel and administrative actions of all Soldiers assigned to include coordinating, formulating, and publishing operational guidance in conjunction with training requirements and missions for an organization. NCO should be proficient in all aspects of operations within the unit to include the duties and responsibilities of the Training NCO.
Senior Internment/Resettlement (I/R) NCO: The principle NCO in an I/R facility responsible for all security personnel, US Military Prisoner population, and overall custody and control operations of the confinement/corrections facility. Supervises 20-100 subordinates plus approximately 20-230 US Military Prisoners.
Prisoner Services NCO: The principle NCO in an I/R facility responsible for the supervision and establishment of all administrative, logistical and food service operations. Supervises 5-20 cadre personnel in a variety of MOSs.
Operations NCO: This NCO is responsible for personnel and administrative actions of all Soldiers assigned to include coordinating, formulating, and publishing operational guidance in conjunction with training requirements and missions for an organization. NCO should be proficient in all aspects of operations within the unit to include the duties and responsibilities of the Training NCO.
Senior Internment/Resettlement (I/R) NCO: The principle NCO in an I/R facility responsible for all security personnel, US Military Prisoner population, and overall custody and control operations of the confinement/corrections facility. Supervises 20-100 subordinates plus approximately 20-230 US Military Prisoners.
Prisoner Services NCO: The principle NCO in an I/R facility responsible for the supervision and establishment of all administrative, logistical and food service operations. Supervises 5-20 cadre personnel in a variety of MOSs.
School Information
School: 807 School Location: FT LEONARD WOOD, MO
807 Course: 831-31E10 Phase: Course Length: 8 Weeks 0.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
PULHES 222221 Required
Normal Red/Green (RG) Perception YES Required
ASVAB ST Score 100 Required
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisite Courses.
Text Prerequisites
Qualifying scores.
(a) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area ST in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to 2 January 2002.
(b) A minimum score of 96 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB tests administered on and after 2 January 2002.
No court-martial convictions. No record of any disciplinary action under UCMJ which indicates behavior inconsistent with the high standards of corrections specialist.
No record of more than 15 days lost under section 972-10-USC, appendix 3, MCM 1068.
No record of civilian convictions other than minor traffic offenses.
No information in Provost Marshal Office, Intelligence Office, Military Personnel Record Jacket (MPRJ) or medical records which would prevent the granting of a security clearance under AR 380-67.
No record of pre-trial intervention or conviction by military or civil court of the following:
(a) Any offense involving force or violence.
(b) Any offense listed under AR 601-210, para 4-22, misdemeanor), or similar offense not listed for which the maximum possible sentence exceeds 4 months of confinement.
(c) Two or more offenses within 5 years prior to the date of enlistment listed under AR 601-210, para 4-21, (minor non-traffic), or similar offense not listed for which the maximum possible sentence is less than 4 months confinement.
Must possess a valid state motor vehicle operator.
Minimum age of 18 at time of entrance on active duty.
No medically diagnosed history of alcoholism, psychotic disorders, antisocial behavior, objection to bearing and use of arms when necessary of any behavioral characteristic, which may be considered prejudicial to the reliable performance of corrections specialist duties.
No record of possession or use of any narcotic or non-narcotic drug as defined by Article 134, UCMJ and AR 600-50. (Personnel entering active duty may be granted waiver at Military Entrance Processing Station by the PERSCOM Security Interviewed per DoD Policy on cannabis use).
Formal training (completion of MOS 31E course conducted under the auspices of the Commandant, U.S. Army Military Police School) mandatory.
Course Scope:
Provides the military knowledge and MOS skills required to function as an Internment/Resettlement Specialist to include: maneuver and mobility support, internment/resettlement operations, area security operations, introduction to internment, administration of facilities, internee administration and services, custody and control, weapons training, internment mission on the battlefield, investigative procedures, and mock internment facility.
Special Information:
There is no Special Information.
807 Course: 831-31E10 Phase: Course Length: 8 Weeks 0.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
PULHES 222221 Required
Normal Red/Green (RG) Perception YES Required
ASVAB ST Score 100 Required
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisite Courses.
Text Prerequisites
Qualifying scores.
(a) A minimum score of 100 in aptitude area ST in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to 2 January 2002.
(b) A minimum score of 96 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB tests administered on and after 2 January 2002.
No court-martial convictions. No record of any disciplinary action under UCMJ which indicates behavior inconsistent with the high standards of corrections specialist.
No record of more than 15 days lost under section 972-10-USC, appendix 3, MCM 1068.
No record of civilian convictions other than minor traffic offenses.
No information in Provost Marshal Office, Intelligence Office, Military Personnel Record Jacket (MPRJ) or medical records which would prevent the granting of a security clearance under AR 380-67.
No record of pre-trial intervention or conviction by military or civil court of the following:
(a) Any offense involving force or violence.
(b) Any offense listed under AR 601-210, para 4-22, misdemeanor), or similar offense not listed for which the maximum possible sentence exceeds 4 months of confinement.
(c) Two or more offenses within 5 years prior to the date of enlistment listed under AR 601-210, para 4-21, (minor non-traffic), or similar offense not listed for which the maximum possible sentence is less than 4 months confinement.
Must possess a valid state motor vehicle operator.
Minimum age of 18 at time of entrance on active duty.
No medically diagnosed history of alcoholism, psychotic disorders, antisocial behavior, objection to bearing and use of arms when necessary of any behavioral characteristic, which may be considered prejudicial to the reliable performance of corrections specialist duties.
No record of possession or use of any narcotic or non-narcotic drug as defined by Article 134, UCMJ and AR 600-50. (Personnel entering active duty may be granted waiver at Military Entrance Processing Station by the PERSCOM Security Interviewed per DoD Policy on cannabis use).
Formal training (completion of MOS 31E course conducted under the auspices of the Commandant, U.S. Army Military Police School) mandatory.
Course Scope:
Provides the military knowledge and MOS skills required to function as an Internment/Resettlement Specialist to include: maneuver and mobility support, internment/resettlement operations, area security operations, introduction to internment, administration of facilities, internee administration and services, custody and control, weapons training, internment mission on the battlefield, investigative procedures, and mock internment facility.
Special Information:
There is no Special Information.