The Biomedical Equipment Specialist is primarily responsible for servicing and maintaining all medical equipment. The equipment you'll be working with will possibly involve mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electronic, digital, optical and radiological principals.
68A1O - Skill Level One

Biomedical Equipment Specialist: Performs Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) (i.e., test, operates, lubricates, adjusts, tightens, and cleans, etc.), Calibration, Verification, Certification (CVC), electrical safety tests, on medical and medically related equipment. Troubleshoot to isolate malfunctioning or defective parts and/or boards on medical and medically related equipment. Effect repairs by replacing malfunctioning or defective parts and/or boards on medically related equipment. Fabricate field expedient repair parts for field medical equipment. Computes power requirements for field medical equipment. Perform pre-issue inspections and installations of medical equipment.
68A2O - Skill Level Two

Biomedical Equipment Sergeant: Establishes and maintains procedures to ensure an effective preventive maintenance program. Performs quality control and acceptance inspections (does not include Center for Devices and Radiological Health-CDRH compliance testing or acceptance of Imaging Systems) on medical equipment and medically related equipment. Provides medical maintenance advice to units not authorized 68A3O/4O/5O personnel. Contribute to the development of medical maintenance Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Supervises, advises and assists in the training of subordinate personnel and may serve as Team Leader for maintenance operations.
68A3O - Skill Level Three

Biomedical Equipment Sergeant: Troubleshoot malfunctioning or defective discrete electronic components and/or boards on 3 phase radiological systems, lasers, and other complex integrated medical and medically related systems. Effect repairs by replacing malfunctioning or defective discrete electronic components and/or boards on 3 phase radiological systems, lasers, other complex integrated medical systems and medically related systems. Performs quality control and acceptance functions (to include Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) compliance testing or acceptance of Imaging Systems), at all levels of medical maintenance to include depot. Rebuilds and overhauls medical equipment and medical systems. Perform quality control functions relevant to the performance of medical maintenance operations. Participates in the planning of power and space requirements for installation medical equipment and medical systems and installs units to manufacturer’s specifications. Supervises contract equipment installations and performs acceptance inspections of contract compliance. Develops medical maintenance SOPs. Conducts training of subordinate maintenance personnel. Prepares and conducts In-Service PMCS training programs for medical equipment operators. Serve as advisor to senior personnel on medical maintenance operations in medical facilities and medical TO&E units.
68A4O - Skill Level Four

Biomedical Equipment NCO: Supervise medical maintenance operations. Supervise quality control functions relevant to the performance of medical maintenance operations. Supervise the requisitioning and stocking of maintenance repair parts and supplies. Determines need for and schedules personnel for attendance at specialized manufacturer courses. Organizes and supervises inspections and maintenance teams. Review installation and acceptance procedures for all types of medical equipment and medical systems. Develops and supervises technical and administrative training to military and civilian personnel. Perform duties as Contracting Officer Representative. Advises and assists in administrative fiscal, personnel, Medical Care Support Equipment (MEDCASE)/Capital Expenditure Equipment Program (CEEP) and supply matters. Advises procurement personnel of functional and safety aspects of medical equipment and medical systems. Advise commanders on specific medical systems, to include requirements for utilities and advantages and disadvantages of contract versus in-house maintenance. Serve as advisor on medical maintenance operations, to senior personnel in Medical Activities, Medical Centers and Medical TO&E units.
68A5O - Skill Level Five

Senior Biomedical Equipment NCO: Perform technical and administrative management, coordination, control, and operational duties as the principal medical maintenance NCO. Review quality control procedures relevant to the performance of medical maintenance operations. Reviews MOD Technical training procedures and advises subordinates on technical training issues. Writes, develops, and coordinates command-wide regulations and policies relating to Army Medical Department Logistical Material Maintenance Programs. Serve as advisor on medical maintenance operations to senior personnel in Major Commands, Medical Activities, Medical Centers, and Medical TO&E units.
School Information
School: 883 Location: RM 1D377 THE PENTAGON, SHEPPARD AFB, TX
Course: 4B-F2/198-68A10 Phase:
883 Course: 4B-F2/198-68A10 Phase: Course Length: 41 Weeks 0.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
PULHES 222221 Required
Must meet height weight std IAW AR 600-9 YES Required
Normal Red/Green (RG) Perception YES Required
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisite Courses.
Text Prerequisites
Open to Active Army CPL/SPC non-promotable and below, National Guard and Army Reserve SSG (see special information) and below, and DOD civilians. Active Army and Reserve Componentsoldiers holding MOS 68K, 68P, 68V, and 68WM6 will not be considered. The service remaining requirement for in-service active army soldiers upon completion of this course is 28 months IAW AR 614-200, Chapter 4, Table 4-1. NGR 351-1 (4 years) and AR 135-200 (2 years) govern SRR requirements for Reserve Component. Mental and physical standards must be IAW DA PAM 611-21. Must have credit for one year of high school algebra with a grade of "C" or better or score 45 or higher on the GED Test 5 (high school level). Enlisted women who are pregnant must be processed IAW AR 635-200. Reserve Component soldiers may be accessed into this MOS through
Initial Entry Training (IET). Prior to the departure from home station, soldiers are required to reenlist or extend their terms of enlistment in order to fulfill SRR upon completion of the course. When reporting to the AMEDD Center & School for training, and it is determined that soldiers do not meet the SRR requirement, they will not be accepted into the course unless they reenlist or extend to meet the SRR requirement. Soldiers reenlisting prior to 1 May 00 have a 30-month minimum SRR requirement. The physical profile serials (PULHES) applies to initial entry soldiers only, and is not to be used as a prerequisite for soldiers reclassifying into this MOS. A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to 2 January 2002. A minimum score of 107 in aptitude area EL on ASVAB tests administered on and after 2 January 2002. SECURITY: None
Course Scope:
This training will consist of the skills and knowledge necessary to enable a unit level maintainer to perform medical equipment maintenance services characterized by: repair by module replacement, to include simple printed circuit board repair; the repair of general medical, dental, or optical equipment malfunctions; the adjustment of medical, dental, or optical equipment utilizing common and special purpose tools, and Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE); and the performance of scheduled preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS), calibration, verification, certification,( CVC) and electrical safety tests. Upon successful completion of the course, graduates are awarded MOS 68A.
Special Information:
Active Army must utilize DA Form 4187 and include their ERB, DA Form 2-1, and letters of recommendation from the chain of command evaluating applicant's potential and ability to complete this course. SUBMIT ALL WAIVER REQUESTS TO: CDR, AMEDD Center & School, AMEDD Personnel Proponent Directorate, ATTN: MCCS-DE, 1400 E. Grayson Street, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-. Reserve Component soldiers may be accessed into this program as IET. a. Student Quarters. Government quarters are available for civilian students. If government quarters are not used, adequate commercial facilities are located within 5 miles of the center. Vicinity travel reimbursement is limited to 10 miles per day. Government barracks are
provided for military personnel that do not have their families accompany them to Sheppard AFB. Reserve/National Guard students are authorized, but not required to move their families, however unless clearly stated in orders BAH rates will be based on Sheppard AFB rates. For personnel with family members authorized to accompany them, on-base housing has been privatized.
b. Personnel. All students are required to provide their 201 file to the local personnel office.
c. Transportation. Government transportation is partially available. There are post shuttles to transport students from barracks area to training areas, most students walk the distance. Students should be prepared to defray quarters and transportation expenses if traveling off-base.
d. Physical Fitness. Successful completion of an APFT is required within 120 days from the beginning of the course. Applicants arriving on a temporary profile will not be allowed to start the course; ensure physical demand and vision requirements are adhered to IAW AR 611-201. Commanders of National Guard and Army Reserve students must ensure their candidates arephysically and financially prepared for the hardship of an extended period of active duty service. Body fat measurement and counseling is required and performed IAW AR 600-9 prior to beginning the course.
e. Seasonal Uniform Changes. Possession of a complete issue of clothing bag items IAW CTA 50-900 is required.
Course: 4B-F2/198-68A10 Phase:
883 Course: 4B-F2/198-68A10 Phase: Course Length: 41 Weeks 0.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
PULHES 222221 Required
Must meet height weight std IAW AR 600-9 YES Required
Normal Red/Green (RG) Perception YES Required
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisite Courses.
Text Prerequisites
Open to Active Army CPL/SPC non-promotable and below, National Guard and Army Reserve SSG (see special information) and below, and DOD civilians. Active Army and Reserve Componentsoldiers holding MOS 68K, 68P, 68V, and 68WM6 will not be considered. The service remaining requirement for in-service active army soldiers upon completion of this course is 28 months IAW AR 614-200, Chapter 4, Table 4-1. NGR 351-1 (4 years) and AR 135-200 (2 years) govern SRR requirements for Reserve Component. Mental and physical standards must be IAW DA PAM 611-21. Must have credit for one year of high school algebra with a grade of "C" or better or score 45 or higher on the GED Test 5 (high school level). Enlisted women who are pregnant must be processed IAW AR 635-200. Reserve Component soldiers may be accessed into this MOS through
Initial Entry Training (IET). Prior to the departure from home station, soldiers are required to reenlist or extend their terms of enlistment in order to fulfill SRR upon completion of the course. When reporting to the AMEDD Center & School for training, and it is determined that soldiers do not meet the SRR requirement, they will not be accepted into the course unless they reenlist or extend to meet the SRR requirement. Soldiers reenlisting prior to 1 May 00 have a 30-month minimum SRR requirement. The physical profile serials (PULHES) applies to initial entry soldiers only, and is not to be used as a prerequisite for soldiers reclassifying into this MOS. A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to 2 January 2002. A minimum score of 107 in aptitude area EL on ASVAB tests administered on and after 2 January 2002. SECURITY: None
Course Scope:
This training will consist of the skills and knowledge necessary to enable a unit level maintainer to perform medical equipment maintenance services characterized by: repair by module replacement, to include simple printed circuit board repair; the repair of general medical, dental, or optical equipment malfunctions; the adjustment of medical, dental, or optical equipment utilizing common and special purpose tools, and Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE); and the performance of scheduled preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS), calibration, verification, certification,( CVC) and electrical safety tests. Upon successful completion of the course, graduates are awarded MOS 68A.
Special Information:
Active Army must utilize DA Form 4187 and include their ERB, DA Form 2-1, and letters of recommendation from the chain of command evaluating applicant's potential and ability to complete this course. SUBMIT ALL WAIVER REQUESTS TO: CDR, AMEDD Center & School, AMEDD Personnel Proponent Directorate, ATTN: MCCS-DE, 1400 E. Grayson Street, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-. Reserve Component soldiers may be accessed into this program as IET. a. Student Quarters. Government quarters are available for civilian students. If government quarters are not used, adequate commercial facilities are located within 5 miles of the center. Vicinity travel reimbursement is limited to 10 miles per day. Government barracks are
provided for military personnel that do not have their families accompany them to Sheppard AFB. Reserve/National Guard students are authorized, but not required to move their families, however unless clearly stated in orders BAH rates will be based on Sheppard AFB rates. For personnel with family members authorized to accompany them, on-base housing has been privatized.
b. Personnel. All students are required to provide their 201 file to the local personnel office.
c. Transportation. Government transportation is partially available. There are post shuttles to transport students from barracks area to training areas, most students walk the distance. Students should be prepared to defray quarters and transportation expenses if traveling off-base.
d. Physical Fitness. Successful completion of an APFT is required within 120 days from the beginning of the course. Applicants arriving on a temporary profile will not be allowed to start the course; ensure physical demand and vision requirements are adhered to IAW AR 611-201. Commanders of National Guard and Army Reserve students must ensure their candidates arephysically and financially prepared for the hardship of an extended period of active duty service. Body fat measurement and counseling is required and performed IAW AR 600-9 prior to beginning the course.
e. Seasonal Uniform Changes. Possession of a complete issue of clothing bag items IAW CTA 50-900 is required.