As integral members of the medical laboratory technician team, Medical Laboratory Specialists conduct tests on the tissue, blood and body fluids of patients.
68K1O - Skill Level One

Medical Laboratory Specialist: Perform elementary blood banking and clinical laboratory procedures in hematology, immunohematology, clinical chemistry, serology, bacteriology, parasitology and urinalysis. Collects blood specimens by venipuncture and capillary puncture. Packs, unpacks, inspects, stores and distributes blood and blood products. Assembles, disassembles and maintains laboratory equipment.
Biological Sciences Asst: Performs duties associated with the Medical Laboratory Specialist. Performs professional laboratory and medical research duties in the field of biological, physical and medical allied science. Assigned to a research facility within MRMC.
Biological Sciences Asst: Performs duties associated with the Medical Laboratory Specialist. Performs professional laboratory and medical research duties in the field of biological, physical and medical allied science. Assigned to a research facility within MRMC.
68K2O - Skill Level Two

Medical Laboratory Sergeant: Perform elementary blood banking and clinical laboratory procedures in hematology, immunohematology, clinical chemistry, serology, bacteriology, parasitology and urinalysis. Collects blood specimens by venipuncture and capillary puncture. Packs, unpacks, inspects, stores and distributes blood and blood products. Assembles, disassembles and maintains laboratory equipment. Supervise laboratory sections in the performance of their duties. Performs and monitors Quality Control and Assurance.
Biological Sciences NCO: Performs duties in preceding skill level and provides technical guidance to junior enlisted personnel in accomplishment of their duties. Supervises the daily operations of a research laboratory to include management of personnel.
Biological Sciences NCO: Performs duties in preceding skill level and provides technical guidance to junior enlisted personnel in accomplishment of their duties. Supervises the daily operations of a research laboratory to include management of personnel.
68K3O - Skill Level Three

Medical Laboratory Sergeant: Perform elementary and advanced blood banking and clinical laboratory procedures in hematology, immunohematology, clinical chemistry, serology, bacteriology, virology, mycology, toxicology, parasitology and urinalysis. Collects blood specimens by venipuncture and capillary puncture. Packs, unpacks, inspects, stores and distributes blood and blood products. Assembles, disassembles and maintains laboratory equipment. Supervise technical and administrative functions for a small medical laboratory. Train lower skill levels in all elementary laboratory procedures and contributes to process improvement.
68K4O - Skill Level Four

Medical Laboratory NCO: Perform advanced blood banking and clinical laboratory procedures. Supervise the technical and administrative functions for a medium medical laboratory. Develops and manages budgets, supplies and training work schedules. Establishes and analyzes quality control and assurance programs. Reviews and makes appropriate recommendations on doctrine and training policies and procedures. Supervise personnel blood storage and distribution units.
Platoon Sergeant: The Platoon Sergeant is the primary assistant and advisor to the platoon leader, with the
responsibility of training and caring for soldiers. The platoon sergeant helps the commander to train the platoon leader and in that regard has an enormous effect on how that young officer perceives NCOs for the rest of his career. The platoon sergeant takes charge of the platoon in the absence of the platoon leader. As the lowest level senior NCO involved in the company METL, platoon sergeants teach collective and individual tasks to soldiers in their squads, crews or equivalent small units.
Platoon Sergeant: The Platoon Sergeant is the primary assistant and advisor to the platoon leader, with the
responsibility of training and caring for soldiers. The platoon sergeant helps the commander to train the platoon leader and in that regard has an enormous effect on how that young officer perceives NCOs for the rest of his career. The platoon sergeant takes charge of the platoon in the absence of the platoon leader. As the lowest level senior NCO involved in the company METL, platoon sergeants teach collective and individual tasks to soldiers in their squads, crews or equivalent small units.
68K5O - Skill Level Five

Senior Medical Laboratory NCO: Serve as general supervisor for large medical laboratory activities. Develop budgets, training schedules and authorization documents. Provide technical and administrative management, coordination, control and operational duties as the senior medical laboratory NCO. Evaluates training programs, devises solutions and implements improvements to training. Participate in a wide variety of studies and reviews. Advises command in strategic planning, risk management, blood management and all matters concerning enlisted Soldiers. Participate in command review, inspection and approval of subordinate unit activities.
First Sergeant: The First Sergeant is the senior NCO in companies, batteries and troops. The position of first sergeant is similar to that of the CSM in importance, responsibility and prestige. As far back as the Revolutionary War period, first sergeants have enforced discipline, fostered loyalty and commitment in their soldiers, maintained duty rosters and made morning reports to their company commanders. Since today’s first sergeants maintain daily contact with and are responsible for training and ensuring the health and welfare of all of the unit’s soldiers and families, this position requires extraordinary leadership and professional competence. First sergeants hold formations, instruct platoon sergeants and assist the commander in daily unit operations. Though first sergeants supervise routine administrative duties their principle duty is training soldiers. The CSM, first sergeant and other key NCOs, must understand the organization’s collective mission essential tasks during METL-based training. Through NCO development programs, performance counseling and other guidance, first sergeants are the Army’s most important mentors in developing subordinate NCOs.
First Sergeant: The First Sergeant is the senior NCO in companies, batteries and troops. The position of first sergeant is similar to that of the CSM in importance, responsibility and prestige. As far back as the Revolutionary War period, first sergeants have enforced discipline, fostered loyalty and commitment in their soldiers, maintained duty rosters and made morning reports to their company commanders. Since today’s first sergeants maintain daily contact with and are responsible for training and ensuring the health and welfare of all of the unit’s soldiers and families, this position requires extraordinary leadership and professional competence. First sergeants hold formations, instruct platoon sergeants and assist the commander in daily unit operations. Though first sergeants supervise routine administrative duties their principle duty is training soldiers. The CSM, first sergeant and other key NCOs, must understand the organization’s collective mission essential tasks during METL-based training. Through NCO development programs, performance counseling and other guidance, first sergeants are the Army’s most important mentors in developing subordinate NCOs.
School Information
School: 081 School Location: FT SAM HOUSTON, TX
Course: 311-68K10 Phase: 1
Course: 311-68K10 Phase: 1 Course Length: 26 Weeks 0.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
PULHES 323222 Required
Must meet height weight std IAW AR 600-9 YES Required
Normal Red/Green (RG) Perception YES Required
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisite Courses.
Text Prerequisites
Open to Active Army (AA) CPL/SPC non-promotable and below, National Guard and Army Reserve SSG (see special information) and below, and DoD civilians. AA and RC soldiers holding MOS 68A, 68P, 68V and 68WM6 will not be considered. 68K is a two phase MOS training. Phase 1 is 26 weeks and Phase 2 is 26 weeks, for a total of 52 weeks. The service remaining requirement (SRR) for in-service AA soldiers upon completion of this course is 30 months, IAW AR 614-200, Chapter, Table 4-1. SRR for the RC is governed by NGR 351-1 (4 Years) or AR 135-200 (2 Years). As an exception to policy, USAR Soldiers are TEMPORARILY waived the requirement to fulfill the Ready Reserve obligation upon completion of the course. This policy will be effective for the duration of Partial Mobilization. Soldiers must have a minimum of one year
of chemistry, high school or college credit and one year algebra, high school or college credit, with a "C" grade or higher in both subjects. Official high school/college transcripts required. Candidates will not have an aversion to blood, blood products, body fluids or needles. Enlisted women who are pregnant will be processed IAW AR 635-200. Prior to the departure from home station, soldiers are required to reenlist or extend their term of enlistment in order to fulfill the TIS remaining requirement upon completion of the course. When reporting to the AMEDDC&S for training,and it is determined that soldiers do not meet
the TIS remaining requirement, they will not be accepted into the course unless the TIS requirement is fulfilled. A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area ST in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to January 2002. A minimum score of 107 in aptitude area ST on (ASVAB) tests administered on and after 2 January 2002, and prior to 1 July 2004. A Minimum score of 106 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB Tests administered on and after 01 July 2004.
Course Scope:
The course provides graduates with technical skills necessary to achieve medical laboratory technician entry-level competencies, and meets basic personnel requirements of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 and the DoD Clinical Laboratory Improvement Program. Graduates are qualified to take certification examinations as medical laboratory Technicians. The 68K training program is 52 weeks, a Phase 1 (26 weeks) resident portion at the Academy of Health Sciences and a Phase 2 (26 weeks) clinical practicum conducted at military hospitals. Curriculum includes clinical chemistry, hematology, immunohematology, immunology, microbiology, parasitology, mathematics, and safety. Instruction during Phase 1 is presented through conferences, discussions, case studies, demonstrations, practical exercises, and written and practical examinations. During Phase 2, students achieve psychomotor proficiency through structured hands-on trainingin a clinical setting. Graduates earn MOS 68K or NEC 8506. Upon sucessful completion of the course, graduates are awarded MOS 68K10.
Special Information:
Reserve Component soldiers will arrive at Fort Sam Houston with the following items MPRJ 201 file, Medical Record, Dental Record and complete basic clothing issue, to include running shoes. This is an inter-service course and the Navy Enlisted Code (NEC) is 8506. DoD civilians must submit a DA1556 requesting attendance at this course. The Unit of assignment for DoD civilians will incur all costs associated with attendance at this course. AA and RC soldiers must submit DA Form 4187, ERB, DA Form 2-1, transcripts, letters of recommendations from the chain of command, and the laboratory officer evaluating
applicant's potential and ability to complete this course. National Guard and Army Reserve SSGs' will receive a certificate of completion for attending this course, additional skill level 30 training is required to be awarded the MOS. SUBMIT ALL REQUESTS FOR WAIVERS TO: CDR, AMEDD Center & School, AMEDD Personnel Proponent Directorate, ATTN: MCCS-DE, 2427 Hood Street, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-7584.
Course: 311-68K10 Phase: 1
Course: 311-68K10 Phase: 1 Course Length: 26 Weeks 0.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
PULHES 323222 Required
Must meet height weight std IAW AR 600-9 YES Required
Normal Red/Green (RG) Perception YES Required
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisite Courses.
Text Prerequisites
Open to Active Army (AA) CPL/SPC non-promotable and below, National Guard and Army Reserve SSG (see special information) and below, and DoD civilians. AA and RC soldiers holding MOS 68A, 68P, 68V and 68WM6 will not be considered. 68K is a two phase MOS training. Phase 1 is 26 weeks and Phase 2 is 26 weeks, for a total of 52 weeks. The service remaining requirement (SRR) for in-service AA soldiers upon completion of this course is 30 months, IAW AR 614-200, Chapter, Table 4-1. SRR for the RC is governed by NGR 351-1 (4 Years) or AR 135-200 (2 Years). As an exception to policy, USAR Soldiers are TEMPORARILY waived the requirement to fulfill the Ready Reserve obligation upon completion of the course. This policy will be effective for the duration of Partial Mobilization. Soldiers must have a minimum of one year
of chemistry, high school or college credit and one year algebra, high school or college credit, with a "C" grade or higher in both subjects. Official high school/college transcripts required. Candidates will not have an aversion to blood, blood products, body fluids or needles. Enlisted women who are pregnant will be processed IAW AR 635-200. Prior to the departure from home station, soldiers are required to reenlist or extend their term of enlistment in order to fulfill the TIS remaining requirement upon completion of the course. When reporting to the AMEDDC&S for training,and it is determined that soldiers do not meet
the TIS remaining requirement, they will not be accepted into the course unless the TIS requirement is fulfilled. A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area ST in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to January 2002. A minimum score of 107 in aptitude area ST on (ASVAB) tests administered on and after 2 January 2002, and prior to 1 July 2004. A Minimum score of 106 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB Tests administered on and after 01 July 2004.
Course Scope:
The course provides graduates with technical skills necessary to achieve medical laboratory technician entry-level competencies, and meets basic personnel requirements of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 and the DoD Clinical Laboratory Improvement Program. Graduates are qualified to take certification examinations as medical laboratory Technicians. The 68K training program is 52 weeks, a Phase 1 (26 weeks) resident portion at the Academy of Health Sciences and a Phase 2 (26 weeks) clinical practicum conducted at military hospitals. Curriculum includes clinical chemistry, hematology, immunohematology, immunology, microbiology, parasitology, mathematics, and safety. Instruction during Phase 1 is presented through conferences, discussions, case studies, demonstrations, practical exercises, and written and practical examinations. During Phase 2, students achieve psychomotor proficiency through structured hands-on trainingin a clinical setting. Graduates earn MOS 68K or NEC 8506. Upon sucessful completion of the course, graduates are awarded MOS 68K10.
Special Information:
Reserve Component soldiers will arrive at Fort Sam Houston with the following items MPRJ 201 file, Medical Record, Dental Record and complete basic clothing issue, to include running shoes. This is an inter-service course and the Navy Enlisted Code (NEC) is 8506. DoD civilians must submit a DA1556 requesting attendance at this course. The Unit of assignment for DoD civilians will incur all costs associated with attendance at this course. AA and RC soldiers must submit DA Form 4187, ERB, DA Form 2-1, transcripts, letters of recommendations from the chain of command, and the laboratory officer evaluating
applicant's potential and ability to complete this course. National Guard and Army Reserve SSGs' will receive a certificate of completion for attending this course, additional skill level 30 training is required to be awarded the MOS. SUBMIT ALL REQUESTS FOR WAIVERS TO: CDR, AMEDD Center & School, AMEDD Personnel Proponent Directorate, ATTN: MCCS-DE, 2427 Hood Street, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-7584.