The apache attack helicopter systems repairer operates, maintains and performs unit, direct and general support (DS/GS) level maintenance on the Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EEFT) in support of the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter.
94K1O - Skill Level One

Operates and performs unit, DS/GS level maintenance on the EETF. Tests, troubleshoots and repairs electronic assembles, sub-assemblies, printed circuit boards, and modules of the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter. Prepares appropriate maintenance forms and records. Troubleshoots EETF systems to determine cause of malfunction. Repairs EETF assembles
and sub-assemblies by adjusting, aligning, repairing and/or replacing defective components. Tests repaired EETF systems to ensure compliance with technical specifications. Is capable of operating and maintaining AN/USM. 410 based automatic test equipment (ATE).
and sub-assemblies by adjusting, aligning, repairing and/or replacing defective components. Tests repaired EETF systems to ensure compliance with technical specifications. Is capable of operating and maintaining AN/USM. 410 based automatic test equipment (ATE).
94K2O - Skill Level Two

Performs duties as shown in preceding skill level and provides technical guidance to lower grade personnel in the accomplishment of their cuties. Performs initial, in process, and final type inspections of designated system items and their
assemblies, sub-assemblies, modules and circuit elements. Installs equipment modifications and provides technical assistance to supported units.
assemblies, sub-assemblies, modules and circuit elements. Installs equipment modifications and provides technical assistance to supported units.
94K3O - Skill Level Three

Supervises and performs duties shown in preceding levels of skill. Implements quality control measures, determines faulty work practices and demonstrates proper maintenance and troubleshooting techniques. Performs as maintenance technical inspector. Supervises maintenance and inspection teams. Trains lower ranking personnel in technical aspects of automatic test equipment (ATE), the electronic equipment test facility (EETF), and standard and system peculiar test equipment. Establishes workloads and repair priorities. Recommends procedures for receipt, storage, inspection, testing and repair of items. Organizes and conducts on-the-job training (OJT) programs. Establishes and maintains maintenance records. Prepares maintenance reports.
Physical Demands, Rating and Qualifications
(1) A physical demands rating of heavy.
(2) A physical profile of 111221.
(3) Must meet the following vision requirements:
(a) Far vision: Snellen Chart correctable to 20/40.
(b) Near vision: Jaeger equivalent 1 or 0.50 mm letters at 14 inches.
(c) Depth perception: normal binocular vision for fine close work as determined by the Armed Forces Vision Tester.
(d) Normal color vision.
(4) Qualifying scores.
(a) A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to 2 January 2002.
(b) A minimum score of 107 in aptitude area EL on ASVAB tests administered on and after 2 January 2002.
(5) A security clearance of SECRET.
(6) A U.S citizen.
(7) Formal training (completion of MOS 94K Course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions School) mandatory; or waiver may be granted by Commandant, USAOMMCS, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35897-6090.
c. Additional skill identifiers. (Note: Refer to table 12-8 (Listing of universal ASI’s associated with all enlisted MOS)).
(2) A physical profile of 111221.
(3) Must meet the following vision requirements:
(a) Far vision: Snellen Chart correctable to 20/40.
(b) Near vision: Jaeger equivalent 1 or 0.50 mm letters at 14 inches.
(c) Depth perception: normal binocular vision for fine close work as determined by the Armed Forces Vision Tester.
(d) Normal color vision.
(4) Qualifying scores.
(a) A minimum score of 110 in aptitude area EL in Armed Services Vocational aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to 2 January 2002.
(b) A minimum score of 107 in aptitude area EL on ASVAB tests administered on and after 2 January 2002.
(5) A security clearance of SECRET.
(6) A U.S citizen.
(7) Formal training (completion of MOS 94K Course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions School) mandatory; or waiver may be granted by Commandant, USAOMMCS, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35897-6090.
c. Additional skill identifiers. (Note: Refer to table 12-8 (Listing of universal ASI’s associated with all enlisted MOS)).
School Information
School: 093 Location: 3301 ZEUS RD, RM 219, REDSTONE ARSENAL, AL
Course: 198-94K10 Phase: Course Length: 38 Weeks 3.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
PULHES 111221 Required
Normal Red/Green (RG) Perception YES Required
Physical Demand Rating HEAVY - LIFT OCCASIONAL 100 LB, FREQUENT 50 LB Required
Course Security Clearance G - INTERIM SECRET Required
Pay Grade E1 - ENLISTED Through E6 - ENLISTED Required
ASVAB EL Score 107 Required
Service Component A - ACTIVE ARMY Required OR
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisites in the Prerequisite Courses section. See other sections.
Text Prerequisites
Active Army, Reserve Component and National Guard enlisted personnel. A U.S citizen.
Course Scope:
Operate and repair the OQ-290(V)2/MSM Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EETF) by using internal self diagnostics and manual fault isolation procedures to locate faults. The station is restored by replacing major assemblies, subassemblies, printed circuit boards (PCB), wiring harnesses and cables. Students also learn to run test program sets (TPSs) on flight hardware Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) and Shop Replaceable Units (SRUs) and to repair the LRUs and SRUs by adjustment and/or by replacing/repairing PCBs.
Special Information:
This course is available to allied students on a case-by-case basis. Allied students will be given the same Program of Instruction as Active Army and Reserve Component enlisted personnel. An INTERIM SECRET clearance is required to attend this course. Soldiers may graduate with an INTERIM SECRET clearance but will be given a provisional award of MOS 94K10. Final award of MOS is dependent upon receipt of a SECRET clearance. Reserve Component Soldiers will hand carry their original 201 file or a complete copy of the file to the service school. If the 201 file is mailed, it must arrive one week prior to the course start date. International Students are required to bring their dress uniform and optional physical fitness clothing, running shoes, and field uniforms.
Course: 198-94K10 Phase: Course Length: 38 Weeks 3.0 Days
Verifiable Prerequisites
PULHES 111221 Required
Normal Red/Green (RG) Perception YES Required
Physical Demand Rating HEAVY - LIFT OCCASIONAL 100 LB, FREQUENT 50 LB Required
Course Security Clearance G - INTERIM SECRET Required
Pay Grade E1 - ENLISTED Through E6 - ENLISTED Required
ASVAB EL Score 107 Required
Service Component A - ACTIVE ARMY Required OR
Prerequisite Courses
There are no Prerequisites in the Prerequisite Courses section. See other sections.
Text Prerequisites
Active Army, Reserve Component and National Guard enlisted personnel. A U.S citizen.
Course Scope:
Operate and repair the OQ-290(V)2/MSM Electronic Equipment Test Facility (EETF) by using internal self diagnostics and manual fault isolation procedures to locate faults. The station is restored by replacing major assemblies, subassemblies, printed circuit boards (PCB), wiring harnesses and cables. Students also learn to run test program sets (TPSs) on flight hardware Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) and Shop Replaceable Units (SRUs) and to repair the LRUs and SRUs by adjustment and/or by replacing/repairing PCBs.
Special Information:
This course is available to allied students on a case-by-case basis. Allied students will be given the same Program of Instruction as Active Army and Reserve Component enlisted personnel. An INTERIM SECRET clearance is required to attend this course. Soldiers may graduate with an INTERIM SECRET clearance but will be given a provisional award of MOS 94K10. Final award of MOS is dependent upon receipt of a SECRET clearance. Reserve Component Soldiers will hand carry their original 201 file or a complete copy of the file to the service school. If the 201 file is mailed, it must arrive one week prior to the course start date. International Students are required to bring their dress uniform and optional physical fitness clothing, running shoes, and field uniforms.