Religious Program Specialist (RP)

Religious Program Specialists (RP) support chaplains in implementing Command Religious Programs (CRPs) to accommodate the
religious needs and rights of sea service personnel and their families; facilitate the delivery of ministry by chaplains by conducting rehearsals, making referrals, and rigging and unrigging for religious services and CRP events; recruit, train, and supervise CRP volunteers who assist in worship, religious education, and other programs; publicize CRP programs and events; organize, coordinate, and support religious education programs; serve as bookkeepers and custodians of Religious Offering Funds; provide library services onboard ships; manage and administratively support CRP program elements; determine, requisition, and manage logistic support for CRPs; manage, maintain, and assist in designing and determining requirements for Religious Ministry Facilities afloat and ashore; provide physical security for chaplains in combat.



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