2T0X1 - Traffic Management

Specialty Summary.  Performs and manages traffic management activities.  Uses military and commercial transportation to move personnel, eligible dependents, material, and property.  Packages, classifies, and arranges personal property and cargo for shipment or storage.

Duties and Responsibilities:
Plans and organizes traffic management activities.  Receives and packages items for shipment or storage.  Prepares budget estimates for materials and equipment.  Inspects items for identity, quantity, and condition.  Segregates items requiring special handling.  Considers cost and special handling requirements when selecting preservation and packing material.  Certifies hazardous cargo to be moved by surface and air.  Advises on procurement and distribution actions.  Ensures convoy, hazardous, or oversized permits are required before movement.

Directs traffic management activities.  Identifies, marks, and labels cargo and personal property for shipment or storage.  Inspects shipments to determine condition.  Verifies carrier service.  Initiates discrepancy reports.  Determines work priority.  Monitors preservation, packaging and handling of cargo and personal property being shipped or stored.  Selects and arranges travel routes for individuals and groups.  Verifies commercial travel office routing and fares.  Resolves administrative and operational problems and authorizes deviation from procedures.

Counsels personnel and eligible dependents on passenger and personal property movements.  Reviews official travel orders and determines transportation entitlements.

Uses carrier tariffs and rates to determine mode and cost of commercial transportation to move personal property.  Arranges shipment and storage of personal property.  Makes cost comparisons between various modes of transportation, and between government and commercial storage facilities.  Validates need for and use of temporary storage.  Monitors equipment availability, service to required destinations under current operating rights, shipping status, condition of household goods packing, and local drayage contracts.

Classifies and arranges cargo for movement.  Determines and schedules proper carrier equipment for loading and unloading.  Converts military nomenclature to commercial freight classification.  Determines weight of commodities to be shipped.  Consolidates and routes shipments.  Develops and maintains data reference files.  Determines cargo priority, and schedules movement accordingly.  Coordinates pickup and delivery of cargo shipments.  Coordinates with base activities to control flow of inbound and outbound cargo.  Provides transportation data and support to contracting.

Maintains and issues transportation documents.  Prepares passenger related travel documents.  Processes pay adjustment vouchers for cost charge travel, and issues service and purchase orders.  Computes and documents excess transportation costs.  Prepares re-weighs and loss and damage reports.  Compiles data for comparison with other shipment modes.  Prepares personal property shipment applications.  Establishes and maintains personal property case files, rate printouts, basic agreements, carrier tenders of service, accountable document registers, and military or carrier tariffs for household goods movements.  Processes contractor invoices and verifies services performed.  Prepares shipment discrepancy reports.  Converts commercial documents to government bills of lading.  Issues diversion and reconsignment certificates.

Operates and maintains material handling equipment, such as forklifts and pallet and hand-trucks.  Operates equipment including machines that weigh, band, staple, tape,  and seal.  Operates woodworking equipment.  Operates automated data processing equipment to prepare, transmit, and receive transportation transaction data.

Specialty Qualifications:
Knowledge.  Knowledge is mandatory of:  federal and military transportation regulations, instructions, and directives; passenger and personal property entitlements; quality assurance evaluation procedures, United States and foreign customs regulations, and warehousing procedures; military passenger, freight, and personal property rate computations; packaging methods, specifications, and orders; hazardous cargo requirements; blocking, bracing, and tiedown principles; and carrier capabilities and procedures for movement of passengers, cargo, and personal property in military and commercial air, rail, truck, and water systems.

Education.  For entry into this specialty, completion of high school with a basic computer course and a course in typing is desirable.

Training.  The following training is mandatory for award of the AFSC indicated:
2T031.  Completion of a basic traffic management course.
2T071.  Completion of the advanced traffic management course.

Experience.  The following experience is mandatory for award of the AFSC indicated:
2T051.  Qualification in and possession of AFSC 2T031.  Also, experience in functions such as selecting passenger routes, advising on passenger travel, and obtaining travel reservations; maintaining records and reports; or selecting mode and carrier for movement of personal property and cargo.
2T071.  Qualification in and possession of AFSC 2T051.  Also, experience supervising functions such as preserving, packaging, packing, and quality control of personal or government property, or arranging transportation for DoD personnel.
2T091.  Qualification in and possession of AFSC 2T071.  Also, experience managing moving personal property, cargo, and passengers, including classification and freight routing and carrier selection.

Other.  The following are mandatory as indicated:  For entry, award, and retention of AFSCs 2T011/31/51, qualification to operate government vehicles according to AFI 24-301, Vehicle Operations.  For award and retention of AFSCs 2T051/71/71/91/00 must maintain an Air Force Network License according to AFI 33-115, Vol 2, Licensing Network Users and Certifying Network Professionals.

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